CnCNet Community Guidelines and Rules

User Behaviour

  • Any behaviour that is considerably harmful to CnCNet community as a whole or its individual members is not allowed, including but not limited to: harassment, hate speech, impersonation, doxxing, being overly insultive/vulgar/swearing, real-life threats, purposefully ruining games (for example with team killing).
  • Any kind of intolerance or discrimination (including but not limited to: by race, nation, sexuality) is not allowed on CnCNet. CnCNet is open to any player as long as they comply with the rules.
    • However, players are free to choose to not interact with whoever they want, it’s their choice which is not regulated by any rules.
  • Nickname Changes: Excessive nickname changes within a 24-hour period are not allowed. Users are permitted to change their nickname up to eight times in this period.
  • If a user tries to circumvent restrictions or punishments they received on CnCNet, they will receive additional restrictions or punishments.
  • Appeals, reports, complaints or any other private questions should be submitted in our dedicated reports section or via #private-concerns. These are only viewable by the CnCNet team. 
    • CnCNet reserves the right to moderate publically brought up issues where such discussion may hurt CnCNet (also see CnCNet Integrity section).

Content Restrictions

  • There are a range of topics that are not allowed on CnCNet. CnCNet is not the place for content and discussion of these kinds of topics:
    • any controversial, divisive, provocative topics (including but not limited to: politics, religion, sexuality, gender, race);
    • any explicit or age-restricted topics (including but not limited to: nudity, sex, gore);
    • any topics that are commonly illegal (including but not limited to piracy, drugs);
    • any unsolicited commercial advertisement.

Rules applicability

  • The rules apply everywhere across CnCNet services, including but not limited to game services, IRC Channels, forums, website(s) and the official CnCNet Discord server.
  • The rules regulate not only the posted or discussed content, but also user attributes, such as display names, bios, profile pictures etc.
  • Any cases of behaviour outside of CnCNet that is considerably harmful to CnCNet, its community or individual users will be reviewed manually by CnCNet.

Fair Play

  • Cheating (playing unfairly with hidden advantage, regardless of how it’s gained) in online play or any public game activities on CnCNet (like competitions, speedruns etc.) is strictly forbidden. CnCNet strives to provide a fair experience to any player.
  • Any unrestricted spreading or promotion of unauthorised third party tools that can be used to cheat is forbidden on CnCNet. To see what tools are authorised:
    • for vanilla games -  see game-specific rules sections;
    • for mods using CnCNet - consult the respective mod staff.

CnCNet Integrity

  • Any actions perceived as threats to CnCNet, its team, services or the experience it provides will result in immediate and indefinite bans.

By using CnCNet services, you acknowledge and agree to abide by these rules and guidelines. Breaching these rules may result in various consequences, including warnings, temporary suspensions, or permanent bans from CnCNet services, depending on the severity of the offence. We are committed to maintaining a safe and enjoyable environment for all CnCNet community members and appreciate your cooperation in upholding these standards.

Any behaviour that is not covered by rules will be reviewed by the CnCNet team in order to ensure no harm is done. Purposefully abusing rule imperfections in order to harm CnCNet or its community will be punished according to the severity of the offence.

In case of any conflict between the CnCNet guidelines and the guidelines or rules of another service that is being used by CnCNet (GameSurge, Discord etc.) the other service rules shall take precedence.

CnCNet reserves the right to adjust the rules at any time without prior warning in order to improve them.